On Fakir Lalon Shah - Farhad Mazhar | eBook

On Fakir Lalon Shah - Farhad Mazhar | eBook

" Lalon was not a nationalist, despite the fact the anti-colonial nationalist movement was fomentingin the subcontinent. It does not imply that he is not against colonial oppression, of course he was; hewas against all forms of oppression. However, when the oppressed constitutes an identity as anecessary tool to encounter the oppressor, the identity overtakes the universality of human beings.Perhaps he saw the danger in identity politics decaying into fetish. It is a hindrance to resolvehuman conflicts and go beyond the difference  to celebrate the unity of the human beings. "


(Based on an interview by Prof Maria Mies with Farhad Mazhar in Dhaka on January 28, 2004)


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