On Fakir Lalon Shah - Farhad Mazhar | eBook

On Fakir Lalon Shah - Farhad Mazhar | eBook
" Lalon was not a nationalist, despite the fact the anti-colonial nationalist movement was fomentingin the subcontinent. It does not imply that he is not against colonial oppression, of course he was; hewas against all forms of oppression. However, when the oppressed constitutes an identity as...


Influence Of Sufism On Lalon Fakir - Tanvir Mokammel | eBook

Influence Of Sufism On Lalon Fakir - Tanvir Mokammel | eBook
“ We the Bengalees, though are a nation with intellectual curiosity and artistic inclination, Have very little contribution in the field of philosophy. Lalon Fakir was a rare exception. Without much or any institutionalized education whatsoever, Lalon asked some basic Questions in any philosophic...
